HGH – Steroid or Supplement?

With all the dianabol media attention today of top-caliber athletes being exposed for potentially using performance enhancing steroids, a lot of confusion has arisen about the difference between HGH supplements (often called HGH releasers or secretagogues) and steroids.

First off, most HGH products available on the market today are perfectly legal to use. They don’t come with the side affects of steroid use (violent mood swings, acne, shrinking of the sex organs). They also don’t tend to have the same type of results of steroids either; none of these supplements is able to provide immediate gains in strength or endurance. True human growth hormone is an injectable steroid, more appropriately known as Somatotropin, which is approved for medical use only as a treatment for dwarfism.

Contrast this with most HGH supplements, both HGH spray and HGH pills, which are taken orally and available without a prescription. HGH supplements typically contain the amino acid building blocks the body steroids for sale uses to produce its own HGH. These types of products stimulate the body to produce more of its own growth hormone naturally, and provide the chemical “building blocks” to do so. While the results may not be as extreme as the use of more dangerous steroids, the benefits are clear, and the costs and risks are far smaller.